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What services do you offer?We specialize in the following services: - Dog Boarding - General Obedience Training - Basic Gun Dog Training - Advanced Gun Dog Training - Flushing & Retrieving Dog Training - Pointing Dog Training
What does each program include?Each training program varies in length of time, depending on the needs of your dog. General Obedience Training: - Length of Time: 1 to 2 months. - Training Includes: "Sit Here", "Heel", "Place", and Collar Conditioning Basic Gun Dog / Flushing & Retrieving Dog / Pointing Dog Training: - Length of Time: 4 to 5 months - Training Includes: Obdience Training Program + Force Fetch, Singles Marks, Land and Water, Gun Shot Conditioning, Steadying Advanced Gun Dog Training: - Length of Time: Basic Gun Training Period (4/5 Months) + 6 months - Training Includes: Basic Gun Dog Training Program + Hand Signals, Blinds, Water and Land, Decheating on Water, Whisel Sit, and Double Marks
How long will my dog stay with you?Each training program varies in length of time, depending on the needs of your dog. General Obedience Training: - Length of Time: 1 to 2 months. - Training Includes: "Sit Here", "Heel", "Place", and Collar Conditioning Basic Gun Dog / Flushing & Retrieving Dog / Pointing Dog Training: - Length of Time: 4 to 5 months - Training Includes: Obdience Training Program + Force Fetch, Singles Marks, Land and Water, Gun Shot Conditioning, Steadying Advanced Gun Dog Training: - Length of Time: Basic Gun Training Period (4/5 Months) + 6 months - Training Includes: Basic Gun Dog Training Program + Hand Signals, Blinds, Water and Land, Decheating on Water, Whisel Sit, and Double Marks
What will my dog be provided during its stay?Enter your answer here
Where are you located?B + S Sporting & Retrieving Kennels is a family-owned and operated dog training facility located in Midville, Georgia. Our training facility is surrounded by hundreds of acres of preserved pine tree forest, which creates the perfect training conditions for your dog. We can put your dog's skills to the test and allow them to practice in south Georgia hunting field conditions. Visit our CONTACT US page for address details.
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